Da Vinci's Notebook Konzerte Setliste

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Top 10 meist gespielte Lieder von Da Vinci's Notebook in den letzten 40 Konzerten.

Setlisten Profil

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Nächste Setliste

Wie lange dauert das Konzert?

Da Vinci's Notebook wird für ungefähr 1:12 auf der Bühne sein. Hier gibt es die mögliche Setliste basierend auf vergangenen Konzerten:

  1. The Life And Times Of Mike Fanning cover Kingdom in the Sky
  2. Brontosaurus cover The Gates
  3. Bendy's Law cover Liposuction
  4. Brontosaurus cover I Wish I Were
  5. The Life And Times Of Mike Fanning cover Title of the Song
  6. no cover Uncle Buford Mega-Mix: Spork
  7. no cover Request-O-Rama
  8. The Life And Times Of Mike Fanning cover Three Little Words
  9. Brontosaurus cover Another Irish Drinking Song
  10. Brontosaurus cover Enormous Penis
  11. Premium Wind Ensemble Collection Of Fantasy World cover Mickey Mouse March (Jimmie Dodd cover)
  12. Zugabe #1

  13. Hello Louis - The Hit Years (1963-1969) cover What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong cover)
  14. no cover Jump in the Line (Shake, Senora) (Lord Kitchener cover)

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